Friday, December 21, 2012

Miseries and Hallelujahs

"God loves a lullaby in a mothers tears in the dead of night, better than a hallelujah sometimes. God loves a drunkards cry, a soldier's plea not to let him die, better than a hallelujah sometimes. We pour out our miseries, God just hears a melody, beautiful the mess we are, the honest cries of breaking hearts, are better than a hallelujah. The woman holding on for life, the dying man giving up the fight are better than a hallelujah sometimes. Tears of shame for what's been done, a silence when the words won't come are better than a hallelujah sometimes. We pour out our miseries, God just hears a melody, beautiful the mess we are, the honest cries of breaking hearts, are better than a hallelujah."

We went camping this summer and the one thing I missed the most was the music. We camped roughly an hour away from Randle, (always depends on who's driving!) Anyway... a few people had to drive down to Randle during the camping trip so I tagged along. After we went to Randle and did everything we had to do, we headed back up and on the way up we listened to music and the words above belong to a song we had listened to, a song that impacted my life. For a long time after that ride, the words had been bouncing around in my head. And I knew if I didn't get them out... they'd be bouncing endlessly, so I did. "We pour out our miseries, and God just hears a melody." those are the words that jumped out to me. God wants to hear our miseries... we all worry that the prayers we pray aren't what God wants them to be. Just let it go and pray from your heart... whether that means pouring out your miseries or pouring out your hallelujahs, they are all a pleasing sight to the Lord. The Lord wants us to have a fellowship with Him... a fellowship that grows. And in my experience, you cannot have a growing fellowship with anyone unless you tell each other everything... and rely on each other in every circumstance. Simply from talking, your relationship is bound to grow, in a way never imaginable. This song focuses on telling God the miseries in our life, but also we are to tell God the hallelujahs... we are to thank Him for everything He has entrusted us with. Whether that is simply the breath of life or whether it be all the tiny things that happen in day to day life. The Lord loves His children and He wants His children to be able to be with Him in the end. Let's start working on it today. How hard can it be to simply be open and truthful to our heavenly father? It's not like He doesn't already know what's in our hearts.

(Psalm 139:1-4 O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord.)

Here is a link to the song above. (Better Than A Hallelujah)


  1. Miss Cayla Walker, that was so powerful and it truly moved me. It's so easy to talk to God about the good things but those deep down things it's a tad tougher. I need to do this and hope you would pray I would do this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Super post, Cayla! Thanks for sharing:)

  4. I've sang this song in ministry a couple times. It truly is the cry of my heart. It's such an awesome thing to know that God loves to hear our prayers, even in our misery. And you are right, He knows our hearts already. If we have awful thoughts, spill it, release it, ask for forgiveness, and move forward with His grace and mercy.
