Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Picture Worth 250 Words

I had a school project to find a picture that "spoke" to me, or meant something "special." 
And my task was to describe the picture to someone as if they couldn't see it in 250 words. 
Well, I took something that was supposed to just be "colorfully detailed" 
and I kind of took it a step further and made a story. 
I found this picture on one of the groups I follow on Facebook. 
It's doesn't necessarily mean anything special to me... 
but I chose it because it was a beautiful picture and I knew I could create a story from it.

I’ve been thrown into this mess, and I’m lost and alone. I’m walking down this path in such a lonely, scary world. It’s such a dark, cold place. And looking through the fog, I see no end in sight. There are so many troubles and treacherous lies to be told. They’re reaching out to tear at my soul. Calling me out, wanting my all. They want my soul, they want my life. It’s so hard to see anything in sight. Even the path is so dark… so treacherous. There seems to be no end. The fog is calling to me, it longs for me to wonder into its mist, to get lost in its lies. Calling to me, enticing my soul. I’m so scared and alone, I’m so worried and lost. I’m all alone, and it all seems too hopeless to bear. There is no end, no way out, there is no escape. I’m stuck in this world. This world so cold. And may I repeat… I’m so alone. It may not be so terribly frightening if only I had someone to face these fears with me. But as I look around, there is no one. I scream, I cry, I call out for anyone. And I only get an answer of silence. For there is no one to fight this battle with me, there is no one to walk beside me. For all these fears, all these shadows, all these dark, cold paths and all these quiet lies that are reaching for my soul… they’re all in my head. I go round and round, trying to stumble upon a way out, but I find none. So I live in this Hell, day in and day out.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


We say demons aren't real,
That ghosts don't exist.
We say that they're fake,
That no, none are real.

How foolish can we be?
How big the mistake?
For when we say they aren't real,
Oh how they (((QUAKE)))...

For demons are real,
And ghosts do exhist.
They're the dreams we can't shake,
The memories we can't erase.
It's that cold that lives deep in our souls,
The place so deep, where the sun never shines.
Oh these demons,
Oh these ghosts.
They strive to steal our souls.
They strive to keep us cold.